

Updates 1:
If you could not guess by now I changed the theme of my blog. This will make reading a whole lot easier. I am sorry for the shortness of reading material. School and playing games has got me all sorts of side tracked.

Updates 2:
These updates are small if you reread everything. My info about myself is now in the About Me post. Also the updates are now in orders instead of separate posts, makes it less to read and keep track.

Updates 3:
Well thanks everybody for the massive boost in views! It makes me happy to see that I can do something in the world. Even if that something is small. The more views the more I guess I am gonna have to post. I ca not wait to get more content to you all so thanks very much and see you next post.

Updates 4:
After awhile of views it seems people like my poem a lot. I guess I am going to have to come up with another one. Maybe you guys can give me ideas. I do not dissatisfy, meaning I do not ignore comments, letters, etc. I guess this is more of a update for my readers than anything else. I will continue to go on; see you next update.

Updates 5:
A new blog theme is now being used I love it so I am going to try it out. Sorry I have not posted but things get in the way.

Updates 6:
I really need to stop updating stuff and removing others but my life is so hectic. I have so many things to accomplish I'm trying new ideas. I am going to try some game ideas. Wish me luck and see you on the flip side.

Updates 7:
Not anything to major but that my About Me blog has my tumblr account on it if anyone is interested in following me on there. I also graduated on Thursday so I'm happy and hope to get more things done.

Updates 8:
Well it has been awhile seen the last time I was on. The formatting and some minor changes have been made. Sorry for not updating but I've been busy.

Updates 9:
Sorry I have not updated in a long time or changed anything up. Customizing things on top of my other life things is a pain. I have been hunting myself down to get all my profiles with my account so there all updated on the About Me blog post.

Updates 10:
Hello everyone it is 2020 at last and I am still alive I have a lot of changes, updates, and testing to do on my Blogger. I have not been around much since transition to college, which is going fine, and been busy with side projects of my own. I will be do minor updates here and there and changes. I hope to see you all soon and that you have a great rest of your time.

Updates 11:
I don't know why I add a new update every time something new occurs, but I do it anyway. Also for those who don't know or not subscribe to my YouTube channel, probably the same thing, I posted a Halloween video last year which is also down below.

Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCJIxZ7usTM

Updates 12:
I removed the ending information from my Update 1, Update 10, and Update 11. That new system I mentioned is not getting me far. I hope everyone is okay with the way things are going this year. I feel a lot of changes must be made in the coming time. I do not know what I am planning to due with this blog post or the blog itself but things are probably going to change. Since I am going to college I probably should stop writing contractions, but since it is a personal blog I am not. It makes it easier to write even if it isn't the most academic correct or used. Profession seems to be the new groove. I hope to write again soon and hope you'll have a wonder year.

Updates 13:
I find it funny this is my most popular blog post. I do enjoy to everyone who visits. I did do spelling check and correction on this page. I also have a new referral link for people to try out if they have not. Honeygain is an easy way to make passive, no work, no hassle money gain. For more information please go to the Honeygain homepage. The link is the link down below. Speaking of referrals and link shorteners, if people have not seen yet I put my referral link banner on the blog for people to check out. As most people might not know ads this year and requirements like AdSense are being stupid so I am trying new methods. I do encourage you to try them out. I have also decided to spice up the blog for the meantime by adding a new theme to the blog. I am curious how so many people know about me. I know I have told friends here and there but not this many people. Be it by a Google recommendation or someone lucky enough to either know my friends, Google++ when it existed, or looking me up I do enjoy having you here. If you want to spread the love and referrals, but mostly the love. I am thinking whether I should do a Halloween video this year or not. If college, which ends next year, is not to busy and my constant appointments do not get in the way I probably will. With my constant jabbering I swear the reason this is so popular is because it is the most legit blog post on the blog. The rest are side content or old school projects that I though about sharing. I hope you all enjoy the longer post and sorry for my suspended amounts of time away. I do tend to have a case of reader's block here and there, but I hope the rest of the year goes fine for all you survivors and please do comeback for more if you enjoy this update of sorts.

Link: https://r.honeygain.me/MARTI7E44A
Link: https://ouo.io/MkMyKq
Referral: http://ouo.io/ref/21anqQRl

Updates 14:
I welcome everyone back to this post. I hope you are having a fine New Year and are kicking the new year with a fine start. I wanted to start by saying that I added my referral link to Honeygain to Update 13. On Update 11 I removed that shortened link which goes to the wrong video, my bad, with the correct link. I wish Ouo.io had a way to remove links but they do not. I also hate the fact that ads pop up when using the links and that why they are not trusted. As long as you play it safe and use common sense you will be fine. I would find a better way of doing ads but Adsense is lousy, as stated above, and I have not found a better service. I hope to update soon and will see everyone later.

Updates 15:
How is everyone doing? I am almost finished with schooling. Nothing new has happened though. I made an Pixilart account. The link is below. The reason is because I was on the website, I visit quite often, and was like "Why not submit a Halloween entry this year for the contest?" I did and hope I do well. My account banner has been added to the main page of the blog. I do not know what else I will do besides school work. If I do not write back by Halloween than I wish you a happy Halloween and good luck out there.

Updates 16:
Looks like I have decided to invest some money into stocks. I am using Robinhood. I also have a referral code down below for anyone to use. This would be lovely to try like the rest of my referral codes I have posted. Robinhood has "Commission-free investing, plus the tools you need to put your money in motion. Sign up and get your first stock for free. Certain limitations apply." "Invest in thousands of stocks with as little as $1." With their fractional shares, you do not have to pay full share price to invest. I am currently doing $20 as that is a decent start amount. You can also do crypto currency. To seriously learn more about the great advantages you should look up their homepage. I also wanted to know if anyone wants me to do Patreon support, coffee, or any other service besides shorten links, let me know and I will switch. I would do ad-based system, but I am not a fan of ads so why torture you all with them. I might as well do my own custom ads.

Updates 17:
Well... It has been a few long months by now. If it has been almost a year since my last post than here is a recap of this year. I graduated January of this year. That is a good and well, but I still can't find a job. The family pet died Halloween. R.I.P, Ziggy. I really have not been up too much lately. I did do a YouTube video. It has me doing commentary. I was blackmailed/harassed on Facebook while hanging out at the local outdoor flea market. That was a pain and anxiety inducing. I hope everyone out there is doing better and hope for a better finish to this year.
